Our strategy for helping each other to allow our faith to overflow is to create opportunities for individuals to use their gifts, strengths, and passions in ministries of the church and mission partnerships outside the church. When you are ready, there is a place for you to serve in the ministry and the mission of the church.
You can contact a team leader directly about getting involved
Want to get to know us more? Sunday after service grab your lunch and bring it back to the church to join our staff and others from the church in time around the table! Here you can get to know us, and we can get to know you! Here you can ask questions and find out the many places to serve in our community and church.
We believe that the Hydrant Church is meant to overflow in loving and hope-giving service to each other and to the community around us. There are regular opportunities shared in the bulletins and in LifeGroups for you to get involved.