Oct 1, 2017

By: Tim Fox
Series: Imperfect Disciples
In this final installment of the Imperfect Disciples series, Pastor Tim invites us to allow God's grace into the hidden place of our lives. Grace gives us the ability to set down our baggage.
- Oct 1, 2017Baggage
Oct 1, 2017BaggageBy: Tim FoxSeries: Imperfect DisciplesIn this final installment of the Imperfect Disciples series, Pastor Tim invites us to allow God's grace into the hidden place of our lives. Grace gives us the ability to set down our baggage.
- Sep 24, 2017God’s Gift of Family
Sep 24, 2017God’s Gift of FamilyBy: Tim FoxSeries: Imperfect DisciplesPastor points us back to the God's gracious gift of community.
- Sep 17, 2017Breathing
Sep 17, 2017BreathingBy: Tim FoxSeries: Imperfect DisciplesGrace is the gift of God's love and favor that is given to us before we do anything good. We have to learn the rhythms of breathing in listening to God and breathing out prayer if we are going to run the race with endurance.
- Sep 10, 2017Good News For Losers
Sep 10, 2017Good News For LosersBy: Tim FoxSeries: Imperfect DisciplesFollowing Jesus, discipleship, usually sounds a lot like a program for getting your act together. The problem is that a lot of us have figured out that we are never going to get our acts together. So where does that leave us. Pastor Tim points invites us to really see Jesus and his offer of Grace for people like you.
- Aug 27, 2017What’s That Mean
Aug 27, 2017What’s That MeanBy: Tim FoxSeries: What's That MeanWhat does it mean when life doesn't go according to plan? What do we do, when our prayers aren't answered? In this message, Pastor Tim helps us wrestle with these tough questions.