Pastoral Leadership

Pastor Liz joined the leadership team at the Hydrant Church in May 2015 as the Children’s Pastor. Liz was then installed as our Lead Pastor in August 2021.
Liz was born and grew up in Rice Lake, WI. She started mission work at the age of 13, going to South America and all over the United States teaching kids about God and how to have a relationship with Him. She served as Children’s Pastor in a church in Wisconsin, teaching, developing new programs, and running large events. God has used those experiences and equipped her to develop ministries and lead kids and adults as they walk with God.

Pastor Mike joined the leadership team in September 2021 as the Executive Pastor. As a long-time resident of Goldsboro, he has a heart for the town and its people. He and his wife Nichole have attended Hydrant since its launch in 2013, with their daughters who also serve in Ministry with the Wesleyan Denomination. Mike helps with community relationships, and property management and assists our treasurer. You can connect with Mike by Facebook or Email

Pastor William joined the staff of Hydrant in August of 2023. He serves as our Student Pastor as well as our Outreach Pastor. He has seven 26 years in Student ministry, and did his internships right here in Goldsboro! He knows no stranger and is always willing to lend a hand! His deepest passion is to see people become Disciples, who make Disciples! You can connect with him via Facebook